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Link List 154
Mon, 16 Feb 2015 22:07:08 GMT
Popular Culture:
Apple JUST Got Around to Banning 'Bonded Servitude' In Its Factories
Studenten sollen für Publikation von Zeitungsartikeln zahlen
Science, Software, Hardware:
Confirmation That Photosynthesizing Sea Slugs Steal Genes From Algae
Thermal vision microwave shows when your food is cooked just right
Zeroth World:
Burka Avenger
Die verführerische Angst vorm Impfen
Tukan bekommt Schnabel aus dem 3D-Drucker
The Reveal
Ice Cream
Spelling Bee
32 Years Later
If you're bad at something, never do it for free.
People will think you're good if you're charging. If you're really bad, charge a lot and insist that you're an artist.
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime
you are ruled by criminals.
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