:( = Sad -- :) = Smiling -- :P = Poking Tongue -- :/ = Disappointed -- :

Often, I find some links to which I do not have to say much, except that they are there and you should follow them, and maybe a small comment about what they link to. So far, I made one post out of such links, and flagged them as "Link". But the more common way of doing this I saw on other blogs was to regularly give lists of interesting lists.

This is something I will try now. I plan to do this weekly, let us say every tuesday or wednesday or so, but I cannot promise this, of course. The links will be both German and English, and I will try not to post links that already spread through the (more famous parts of the) blogosphere.

So here we go for the first time:

http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2508 - gives a good illustration of the discussion on privacy and internet repression technology.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globster - heard of it in a TV documentation about "paranormal" phenomena. Interesting.

Apple can update your twitter ... - True.

€200 KDE Plasma Active Tablet Announced - let us hope that this will be a success.

http://fatpita.net/?i=1036 - Second world war, simply explained.

I voted Republican - and all I lost was ...

Backdoor in TRENDnet IP cameras - One reason why I do not feel comfortable about too much surveillance.

Maman a dit que je peux - My mom said I could.

21 Facts that Evolutionists CAN'T ANSWER! - I am not sure whether this is satire. It is funny, though.

Various Things the Bible bans

Metazoa Ludens, via - a game for hamsters and humans.

Die KiK-Story: Die miesen Methoden des Textildiscounters - und die sind sicher nicht das einzige Unternehmen das sowas macht. Ich wäre da mal für ein staatliches Prüfsiegel, das die Käufer auf sowas hinweist. Weiß ansonsten jemand, wo man guten Gewissens Kleidung kaufen kann?

Beim Sex: Rentner erstickt an seinem Gebiss - Skurril.

Riesiges Alien-Raumschiff auf dem Mond entdeckt - sieht für mich eher aus wie ein Falzbein.