Programmierer können jede Programmiersprache benutzen,
solange sie imperativ ist. (Chris Okasaki)

And the third link list:

DuoLingo - Learn a language for free, and simultaneously translate the web.

Talking Robot Mouth Mimics Human Speech (via) - impressive, and somehow terrifying.

The future of our world - A small glimpse into a timeline of epic scale. - a nice, somewhat disturbing comic.

10 random video game facts

An Excerpt from the book "Dumbing Down our Kids" by Charles Sykes

Markets are efficient if and only if P = NP (via) - I have not actually read it, and I doubt the claims made there, but still worth linking.

Debian Position on Software Patents - Very interesting.

Boy dies after masturbating 42 times - but who counted it?

How Commercial Journals Could Add Value - this is not going to happen, as it would mean actual work for them.

Making Crash Bandicout (which was btw also written in Lisp)

Scumbag DNA - I love the memes!

Spongiforma squarepantsii - I don't want to live on this planet anymore!

Ende der Parkwache in StuttgartZwei andere junge Männer hatten sich in einem Zelt mit ihren Unterarmen einbetoniert und mussten mit Spezialwerkzeug losgemacht werden.

Russisches Klopapier empört Kasachen - wenn sie sonst keine Probleme haben, passts ja.

Darum darf Werner N. legal kiffen - eigentlich traurig, dass man in solchen fällen überhaupt noch diskutieren muss.