Wenn der Hass feige wird, geht er maskiert in Gesellschaft und nennt sich Gerechtigkeit.
(Arthur Schnitzler)

And the next link list ... shorter, but hopefully more interesting this time.

The unix-jun72 project has scanned in a printout of 1st Edition UNIX from June 1972, and restored it to an incomplete but running system - in which one has to use ed as editor. I wonder how much modern software could be ported to this.

http://pdp11.aiju.de/ - a pdp11 emulator for the browser, also with an old UNIX.

Unix 2nd edition manual - for those who are stuck with the above.

Digraphs and trigraphs - because on that old terminals, not all characters were supported. Somewhat similar problems like we have today.

Turingmaschine mit sed

Pagekite - bring your localhost servers on-line. I have a vserver now, but this might be nice.

The Cartoon Guide to Löb's Theorem

The completeness and compactness theorems of first-order logic

Deutschland fördert die Ausbildung von Kindersoldaten

Umfassende Steuertipps für Studenten und wie Studenten sich Steuern von Morgen sparen

Amazonas-Pilz verzehrt Plastik

Deutschland im medienpolitischen Steinzeitalter

Zehn Jahre Arch Linux - grats!