Ok, it really pisses me off! For every IP range I block, another one appears. How many damn IP adresses do chinese providers possess? I mean it is not that I do not have anything better to do. Ok, from now on:

Zero tolerance against Spam!

Which means:

  • This site is no longer accessible without a browser that supports gzip (which any reasonable browser should do) - this is because I assume that most spambots will not support it.
  • If an IP is accessing my comment-cgi-script multiple times without any comment going through, then I will do a whois-query on it, and if multiple IPs from the same provider are spamming, I will probably block that provider, especially when it is from china (which appears to be the source of most spam-attacks apparently). The chinese government has a big firewall as far as I know - why can they not block spam, instead of just infringing their people's personal rights?
  • If I see an IP from a server-provider doing nasty stuff (like accessing my comments page several thousand times), then I will contact this provider (in addition to blocking the IP). I already did this, and I will continue doing this - reasonable providers have a mail adress to alert abuses of their services, and I will use them, because I think it is the interest of me, these providers, and in the end the whole internet, to get rid of that pest!
  • If this site was hosted in a country with a law reasonable for the internet, I would not doubt to publish my list of blocked IPs, so other people could profit from it. But this site is still hosted in Germany. I am pretty sure that the rights of  worried pensioners or sons of worried parents with their infected computers weight heavier than me being annoyed by their contribution to the botnet attacking me, and so, I would not be allowed to publish their IP adresses. A pity.
  • Again, if you know somebody who cannot access this website, please tell me - I do not want to lock out any legit person, but mistakes happen!

Ein Siegel für Essen mit "Ohne Gentechnik" - wtf? Ist es das was die Leute wollen? Nur damit ich das mal richtig sehe:

Keinen jucken überzüchtete Maissorten die die Erde unfruchtbar machen, keinen jucken überdüngte Felder die das Grundwasser verunreinigen, keinen jucken Pestizide, keinen jucken die desaströsen Zustände in Deutschen Kuh- und Schweineställen? Aber Gentechnik soll gefährlich sein?

Die Steuergelder die man für so ein Siegel ausgibt könnte man erheblich besser in sinnvolle Aufklärung investieren. Das Konzept des "Gens" ist nämlich für die meisten Menschen zu abstrakt als dass sie damit etwas sinnvolles anfangen könnten, und im Alltag kommen solch abstrakte Dinge selten vor.

Mir drängt sich oft der Eindruck auf, die Leute sehen in "Genen" irgendeine magische Entität die potentiell gefährlich ist, und magisch von allem besitzergreifen kann, das damit in Berührung kommt. Und diese Vorstellung ist erstmal völlig Kontraproduktiv.

Zwar bezeichnet "Gen" immernoch eine Basensequenz, die also materiell ist, aber der kruziale Teil des "Gens" ist nicht diese Sequenz, sondern die darin enthaltene Information: Letztendlich handelt es sich bei Genen primär um Software, und ich habe den Eindruck dass auch der Sprachgebrauch eher dahin geht, dass man mit "Gen" eher die Erbinformation selbst bezeichnet, als die Basensequenz. Ein Gen ist demnach nichts was man anfassen kann, nichts was man irgendwo hinstellen kann, nichts was man nicht auch per E-Mail verschicken könnte. Es ist damit insbesondere nichts das man zerstören kann, und nichts das für sich genommen in irgendeiner Weise gefährlich sein könnte.

Gefährlich kann ein Gen werden wenn es zur Expression kommt, wenn die Information also Anwendung findet. Die betreffende Pflanze wird daraufhin entsprechend des genetischen Codes eine Aminosäurensequenz, ein Protein, erzeugen, sie könnte beispielsweise Gift produzieren, oder so überresistent sein, dass sie alle anderen Pflanzen verdrängt. Die Möglichkeiten sind theoretisch vielseitig. Praktisch ist das aber eher unrealistisch. Realistischer ist ein Szenario das eine bestimmte Pflanzenart unbenutzbar (z.B. ungenießbar) macht, und durch jahrelanges nichteindämmen irgendwann die ursprünglich nutzbare Pflanzenart verdrängt, und damit potentiell den Rest des Ökosystems aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt, und da Ökosysteme chaotisch sind, kann das verheerende Folgen haben. Die meisten Eingriffe der Menschen in die Natur mit solchen Folgen sind aber letztlich aus Dummheit entstanden. So etwas passiert zum Beispiel, wenn man Menschen, deren einziges Ziel die Profitmaximierung ist, diese Möglichkeiten eröffnet.

Und realistisch betrachtet wird es genau darauf hinauslaufen: Irgendwelche Politiker werden sich lange genug zuschwallen lassen dass sie es für notwendig erachten, Gentechnik zu subventionieren, mit entsprechenden Garantien dass der Staat für alle Folgen aufzukommen hat, und Unternehmer werden daraufhin optimieren, genau die Risiken einzugehen, für die der Staat bürgt. Zumindest interpretiere ich so die Ereignisse um die Kernkraft, und sehe nicht, wieso sie nicht auch hierauf anwendbar sind. Ich halte die ganzen Anstrengungen der Lobbyisten rund um die Gentechnik in den USA für einen Versuch, das Patentrecht zu missbrauchen, und in Europa für einen Versuch, die Planwirtschaft um die Landwirtschaft herum zu brechen.

Ich bin dementsprechend erstmal klar gegen den breiten Einsatz von Gentechnik in der Nahrungsmittelproduktion, insbesondere in der sich anbahnenden Form. Ich sehe keine großartigen Möglichkeiten darin, ich halte das ganze Thema sowohl in positiver als auch in negativer Richtung für weit überschätzt. Wer gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen anbaut muss für alle dadurch entstandenen Schäden aufkommen, und da es sich hier um etwas handelt, das potentiell sehr gefährlich ist, ist es durchaus rechtfertigbar, soweit in die Freiheit einzugreifen, einen Nachweis zu verlangen, dass die rechtliche Person dazu im Zweifelsfall auch in der Lage wäre - sollte man übrigens genauso bei Kernkraft machen, meiner Meinung nach.

Aber in Gentechnik sehe ich bei der Landwirtschaft irgendwie immernoch das kleinste Übel. Gentechnik ist eine Form des menschlichen Eingriffs in die Natur. Eine von Vielen. Man sollte eher die Gesamtheit im Auge behalten.

Übrigens wird Gentechnik unlängst zur Medizinproduktion verwendet, modernes Humaninsulin beispielswiese wird so hergestellt.

The rising of virtualization technology really had a boost recently, especially as a way of securing software. Put your browser into a virtual machine to secure it. Put your PDF reader into a sandbox to secure it.

         +-- VM 1 -- virtual kernel 1 -- PDF reader
kernel --+-- VM 2 -- virtual kernel 2 -- web browser
+-- VM 3 -- virtual kernel 3 -- online banking

This architecture is comparably inefficient, due to the virtualized kernels. As we are using virtual machines, we can make the virtual hardware homogeneous, thus we can put the device management into the processes themselves directly, gaining a smaller memory footprint:

         +-- VM 1 -- PDF reader
kernel --+-- VM 2 -- web browser
+-- VM 3 -- online banking

The problem is that also virtualizers sometimes have security holes, too. This problem can be adressed by stacking various kinds of them, so a hacker must find out the kind of virtual machine and then use the right exploit to break out.

         +-- VMa 1 -- VMb 1 -- VMc 1 -- PDF reader
kernel --+-- VMa 2 -- VMb 2 -- VMc 2 -- web browser
+-- VMa 3 -- VMb 3 -- VMc 3 -- online banking

To gain a little more security, though not much, we can shuffle the kinds of VMs, so the hacker must determine the kind and choose the right exploits.

         +-- VMa 1 -- VMc 1 -- VMb 1 -- PDF reader
kernel --+-- VMb 2 -- VMa 2 -- VMc 2 -- web browser
+-- VMc 3 -- VMb 3 -- VMa 3 -- online banking

Of course, this is still not satisfactory, it is plausible to assume that all sorts of virtualizers have exploits and hackers will actively use them. Using multiple exploits to punch multiple VM layers may be harder than just one sandbox, but not that much.

Usually, we assume that distinct virtual machines have distinct bugs - this is of course only plausible when they do not use the same backend. Now, during exploits, mostly some unusual things are done, and mostly the aftermath is completely different from what one would expect in a system without the exploited bug. So one approach of increasing the security is just running the same application in two virtual machines with the same input, and compare the output and the memory pages. As long as no exploit is used, they should remain equal, and as soon as they are not equal, something has gone wrong and we can freeze the machines immediately to prevent them from doing bad stuff.

Of course, to put an additional difficulty onto it, we try to make the VM graph look "random".

         +-- VMa 1 -- spawn -- VMb 1 -- PDF reader
         |              |                 |
| + ---- VMc 1 -----+
| | +--------- VMb 2 ---------+ | | | kernel --+-- spawn -- VMa 2 -- VMc 2 -- web browser
+-- spawn --VMa 3 -- online banking
| | |
+-- spawn -- VMb 3 --+ |
| |
+----- VMc 3 -----+

This way is already very secure, as you need to have a lot of knowledge to actually find your way to the kernel. However, we rather expect to be a few mostly equal virtualizers than many completely different ones. Which means that even this concept can be broken easily with a sufficient knowledge of the internals of all VMs.

The spawn nodes all use the innovative RPM™ (Reasoning Processing Module) technology. The crucial innovation of MazeVM™ is the Circular™ RPM™ introduced to it. It allows circular connections between virtual machines and even with the kernel itself.:

         +-- VMa 1 -- VMc 1 -- VMb 1 -- spawn -- PDF reader
 | | |
  | +------CRPM-------+
kernel --+-- VMb 2 -- VMa 2 -- VMc 2 -- web browser
| |
| +-- spawn -- VMb 3 -- VMa 3 -- online banking
| |
+--CRPM----VMc 3

The kernel itself can easily be tarned as an own virtual machine, and thus, we can build a complicated graph of virtual machines monitoring each other, a "maze", hence the name. In such a maze, it can be extremely hard to find a way to the actual kernel of the computer, especially if you do not see which of the many machines is not virtual - thus, in a sufficiently large MazeVM™ graph, an attacker has no chance to ever come to your actual machine and do any harm to you.

MazeVM™ is compatible with most of the modern virtualizers, including but not limited to JPC, NestedVM and JSx86. The preferred virtualizer is Parrot under Linux, and CygwinVZ under Windows.

Notice that CygwinVZ is, however, still under heavy development, and the upstream releases may not be ready for production use. MazeVM™'s version for windows therefore contains a patched, well-tested, own version of CygwinVZ.

Das Internet machte gerade mal wieder meinen Tag. Die bekannte Spülmittelmarke Pril veranstaltet einen Wettbewerb für das beste Design. Es ist klar, was passiert, wenn man das Internet Motive angeben lässt, und spiegelt sich in ihren Hinweisen wieder:

"Natürlich gehören auch humorvolle Beiträge unbedingt zu einem Design-Wettbewerb dazu. Leider hat aber inzwischen die Anzahl der Personen zugenommen, die unsere Aktion bewusst dazu nutzen, anstößige oder wirklich geschmacklose Designs zu erstellen. Hierzu zählen auch aus rechtlicher Sicht äußerst kritische oder sogar verbotene Designs. Ihr habt sicherlich Verständnis dafür, dass wir dies unterbinden müssen."

Freilich habe ich Verständnis dafür, ich möchte nicht wissen, wie viele Penisbilder und Hakenkreuze die in der Zwichenzeit bekommen haben. Leider ist das Internet an dieser Stelle noch nicht erwachsen geworden - meine Meinung dazu, dass das mit den jetzigen Gesetzen auch nie passieren wird, ist in diesem Fall unwesentlich.

Nun haben sie auch eine Auflistung der beliebtesten Designs. Und zumindest zum Moment wo ich diesen Satz schreibe ist dieses Bild weit vorne. Und das ist auch gut so, ich finde dieses Design sehr zeitgemäß. Für alle die es nicht kennen, selbiges Gesicht ist ein Meme, das man öfters mal sieht.

Wird es also bald die Prilflaschen zieren? Ich sähe durchaus Gründe, die dafür sprächen. Pril hat zur Blumenkraft-Zeit auf dieser Welle mitgeschwommen. Pril will sich offenbar mit dieser Aktion als Vertreter einer Jugendkultur darstellen. Sollte dieses Motiv auf die Prilflaschen kommen, würden höchstens ein paar Hausfrauen davon absehen, Pril zu kaufen, dafür würde die Marke aber ziemlich schnell an Bekanntheit gewinnen, mindestens innerhalb der Blogosphäre, aber sicher auch in einigen Zeitschriften.

Ich glaube aber nicht dass das passieren wird, denn in den Hinweisen steht auch:

"Wie euch bekannt ist, wählt eine Jury aus den beliebtesten Pril-Flaschen zwei Designs aus, die deutschlandweit in den Handel kommen. Die Jury wird bei ihrer Auswahl der beiden Designs besonders darauf achten, dass diese zur Marke Pril und zum Unternehmen Henkel passen, sowie die Attraktivität für den Verbraucher und die Akzeptanz beim Handel berücksichtigen."

Und wenn ich mir so anschaue woraus die Jury besteht, und schon diese Kriterien höre... Ob Designer und Brand Manager die Schönheit in einem solchen Entwurf wirklich verstehen? Ob sie verstehen, was das für sie als Marke bedeuten würde? Ob sie bereit sein werden, sich vom Image des Spülmittels für zarthändige Blumenkinder hin zum modernen Image des Spülmittels das sich auch für versiffte Studentenbuden eignet zu bewegen? Ich glaube es nicht.

Aber ich fände es nett, wenn ich mich hier irren würde.

Thinking of user accounts in unix-like systems, a lot can be done to secure the several users one from another:

  • Limiting the network access
  • Limiting the number of processes
  • Limiting the amount of RAM
  • Limiting the amount of disk space using quotas
  • Limiting the access to files, especially device files
I can only speak of unix-like systems, but seems like the Windows-NT-Kernels have similar mechanisms, and therefore certainly similar problems.
Of course, from time to time there are privilege escalations, but bugs are not the major problem, in my humble opinion: There is quite a lot of software that breaks the barriers provided by the kernel. X11 would be an example of a possibility to break through this barrier: Let two X-Clients connect to the same X-Display, and they can send keystrokes, etc., and this is not limited to one machine either. On the other hand, of course, in the case of GUIs, there is no easy way to do it differently, if one wants to be able to take screenshots and send special events to other applications. And this is not limited to X11, as the Win-API gives a possibility to send keystrokes, take screenshots and even change some captions, and I think the Cocoa-API of OS/X allowes something similar. And while taking screenshots is hard to forbid, there are possibilities to create additional barriers, like Xnest in the case of X11.

On the other hand, there are things like DBus which form an RPC-Mechanism that also may break barriers between users. And of course, there are nice things like the setuid-bit.

Still, all of these mechanisms remain safe if used with caution. The worse thing comes from software that forces the user to remove barriers.

While it is generally a good thing to make user directories only readable, writable and executable by the current user, a common configuration of Apache, using mod-userdir, requires user directories to be +rx for at least the group, such that the user can put its content into a subdirectory www-public of his home directory. This setup is so annoying, especially in large computer pools where I do not want every other user to be able to read my local configuration. And it does something dangerous: It motivates users to be sloppy about access control. I would prefer a setup that has separated directories, maybe in /var/users, that can be symlinked into the user-directory (to make it easier for the users to handle), but are not read from there.

In general, when a user's access to system ressources is limited far enough, there should be no problem for him to run arbitrary executables, and in fact, the major problem mostly lies in the executables they want to run rather than the configuration. Thus, while I can remember that older hosting-providers gave user accounts, most modern providers give you a VPS. Ok, this is what the technical evolution brought us, and a VPS is easier to use and secure than multiple user accounts. It is simple to use multiple software distributions on the same machine, and have strong barriers between them. Often, technical progress evolves differently than intended at first.

The real question is whether the same will not happen to architectures with many virtual machines. A sufficiently cooperative operating system can already degenerate into a runtime library with the right virtualization environment. With the first companies giving up on securing their software and putting them in sandboxes, it might be just a matter of time until putting every larger application into a sandbox becomes common - which causes problems: Think of a webbrowser - with its own filesystem, you cannot easily download files and open them externally, without punching holes. But punching holes means breaking barriers, and breaking barriers usually means lowering security. The simplest configuration, and possibly the only one that unexpierienced users would accept, would be to give the virtual machine full access to your home directory (as far as I remember, that is what VMWare Fusion does, but VMWare Fusion is not meant to provide security) which makes the sandbox almost useless for security: The user will have most of his important files in his home directory.

I already wrote an article on that topic on my old blog (in German), which was, as I just noticed, inspired by an earlier article on Heise, about the same software as the one which inspired me to write this post.

I did not test the software yet: It needs at least 4 gig RAM, and it is not recommended to virtualize it -  I simply have no machine to run it currently. But I do not want to doubt the quality of this software, as it sounds like they knew what they did, and it also sounds useful, and using virtualization as one of many security precautions is ok.

I just do not like the idea of using virtual machines as a primary security precaution.

I was just told that the equality of computable functions of type \{0,1\}^\omega\rightarrow\omega is decidable. I was a bit confused about this at first, since trivially, the equality of functions \omega\rightarrow\omega is undecidable: Let [.] be the a complete enumeration of all proofs in our meta-theory T, then define g(n)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} 1 \mbox{ if } [n] \mbox{ proves }\bot \\ 0 \mbox{ otherwise}\end{array}\right., then by Gödel's second incompleteness theorem, we cannot decide whether g=\lambda_n0.

However, even though the question whether two computable functions \{0,1\}^\omega\rightarrow\omega are equal seems harder than the same question for \omega\rightarrow\omega, it is not. A first step in understanding why is maybe that every terminating algorithm is finite, and therefore can only use finitely many elements of a sequence in \{0,1\}^\omega.

Of course, having this information without any proofs I tried to prove it myself. I noticed that this should be strongly related to the compactness theorem. And here is the outcome:

Lemma 1:
Let a computable f:\{0,1\}^\omega\rightarrow\omega be given, and a=(a_i)_i\in\{0,1\}^\omega. Then there is some initial subsequence b=(b_i)_{i<n} of a, such that for all sequences c, f(b*c)=f(a).
Proof: A terminating turing machine can, for every given sequence a, only read finitely many elements of a, thus, there is an upper bound m\in\omega such that the program is only dependent of elements a_{j<m}. Set n=m and (b_i)_{i<n} = (a_i)_{i<m}. Then f(b*c)=f(a) for all sequences c, since the program does not depend on an elements not in b. ‏

We say that a computable f depends only on a sequence a=(a_i)_{i<n} when for every c_1,c_2 we have f(a*c_1)=f(a*c_2), and it depends exactly on a=(a_i)_{i<n} when it depends only on (a_i)_{i<n} but this is not the case for subsequences (a_i)_{i<m},m<n.

By Lemma 1 it is trivial to proof that two functions f,g are not equal: Just find a sequence a on that both of them depend only, and for which f(a)\neq g(a). The more interesting part is the case when they are equal.

Using Lemma 1, we can encode such functions f in the following way: Let (A_i)_{i\in\omega} be predicate constants, and denote by PA the first-order Peano arithmetic. If f(a)=k where f depends only on (a_i)_{i<m}, then let M_{f,a,c}:=(\bigwedge\limits_{a_i=1,i<m} A_i \wedge \bigwedge\limits_{a_i=0,i<m} \lnot A_i)\leftrightarrow c=k, where c is a term constant, and k can be expressed in the form S(\ldots S(0)) as usual. Now define Mod_{f,c} := PA \cup \{ M_{f,a,c} | a \in \{0,1\}^\omega\}. Obviously, f(a)=k \Leftrightarrow (Mod_{f,c}[A_i:\Leftrightarrow(a_i=1)]\models c=k). Now, if two functions f,g are equal, we know that PA\cup Mod_{f,c}\cup Mod_{g,d}\cup \{c\neq d\} is not satisfiable, and therefore, PA\cup Mod_{f,c}\cup Mod_{g,d}\cup \{c\neq d\}\models\bot. By the completeness theorem, we therefore know that PA\cup Mod_{f,c}\cup Mod_{g,d}\cup \{c\neq d\}\vdash\bot, and hence, the equality f=g is provable.


For nostalgia I still keep the scanned images of the old herbarium I had to make in my biology class ten years ago.

> http://uxul.de/blog/herbarium/

The scanner still works, and it is still in use. A Canon Lide 30. The old computer is broken, unfortunately. The herbarium is still somewhere in my closet.

Nostalgia ...

On The Old New Thing we are taught that Windows is not a .NET Framework delivery channel.
I have no problem with this, seems reasonable that the operating system is separated from the rest of the stuff, but in fact, this is nothing Windows is known for. In ancient times, Windows used to be just a graphical user interface, and even in the times of Windows 98 it is arguable whether it should really be considered as an operating system rather than as a desktop environment hooking on a DOS kernel. Even if one accepts that the strict separation of frontends and backends is something special to *n*x, while Windows is optimized for the stupid end user who is not interested in how his software works, still Windows 98 had the Internet Explorer and a JVM installed by default. And actually, that was one thing I liked, since I could write software for my friends without them having to install a lot of runtimes and stuff.

And at least under Windows, this has not really changed - when I write software for Windows, then I am trying to make it independent of as much as possible, or if I really have to add dependencies, I will try to make the software work inside Cygwin, which has a packaging system.

This is only true for Windows. In fact, for Linux, it is much easier, since most Linux distributions have a package manager for which I can simply supply a package that has the correct dependencies (as most larger environments are usually part of a distribution). Upgrades and version compatibility are managed automatically by the package manager.

On Windows, there seems to be a central package management (I think I have read about one in the past, but I cannot remember where), but I do not know whether it is only available to parts of the system, at least no other software I know uses it: Most software checks for updates when started. Some software even has background processes getting on my nerves (like the JVM).

Maybe that is due to the fact that commercial software likes message boxes blobbing onto your screen, telling you what software you use and why, even though that gets on your nerves - in the end, the user is there to pay money, his contentedness is just one way to make him do so, and advertising is another.