Panel 1: A person is walking on a sidewalk. -- Panel 2-3: A person on a skateboard comes by and says "Hi. Why are you walking?" The walking person answers "Maybe I'll find something interesting on my way." The person on the skateboard moves away and waves his hand, saying "Well, if you can't help yourself." -- Panel 4-5: A person on a bike comes by, saying "Hi. Why don't you use a bike?" The person on the sidewalk answers "I thought maybe I'll find something interesting on my way which I wouldn't see if I was too fast." The person on the bike says "Experience shows that a bike is the perfect balance between speed and detail. Walking is old-fashioned. But well, I guess it's good for training. Have fun." -- Panel 6-8: A person in a car comes by, saying "Hi, whats up? Why are you walking?" The person on the sidewalk answers "I thought maybe I'll find something interesting on my way which I wouldn't see if I was too fast. And if not, it is good training at least." The person in the car says "Hm. For training there are highly optimized treadmills. And for locomotion there are highly optimized cars. If you want, I can take you with me." The person on the sidewalk says "Thank you, but I really want to walk myself." The person in the car says "You are strange. I do not understand why somebody wouldn't use the fastest way." The person on the sidewalk says "Well, cars are expensive." The person in the car drives away, saying "That is relative. For the benefits you get, they are rather cheap. But well, as you wish. See you later." Subtitle: "Fundamental Research"